Available Daily 9am-7pm Call (304) 664-1234

Off-Road Assistance servicing the Hatfield McCoy Trails of Southern, WV, Hillbilly Trails of Eastern KY, & Outlaw Trails with the Parts Available to get you back on the Trails!
Trailside Assistants, Part Delivery & Repair:
Flat Tire, Need Gas, or Trailside Repairs? Starting at $250 call out depending on location. Trailside Repair Labor Rate $180 per hour + part costs. (Welding Available)
General Towing:
Get er stuck or take that last turn a little to sharp, no worries. We’re here to get you back on the Trails. Sometimes Mechanical stuff brakes and it cant be fixed trailside but that’s why we’re here we’ll get your machine back safely and offer SXS Rentals to keep the Adventure Going! Starting at $250 call out depending on location (includes first hour) & $200 each additional hour. General Towing Available After Hours (Dark) At Double Rate!
So you sent er a little to hard today? No worries, we’re here to help ya get your machine back. Just over the edge, 300 foot down, stuck on a Black Dimond Trail, or just hard to get to, we’re here to help. Starting at $350 call out depending on location (includes first hour) & $250 each additional hour. Note: Complex recoveries involving special heavy equipment can cost up to $1500 per hour. We do not offer recoveries at Night.
Billing Policy:
Our Hourly Charges increase to + Time & Half For Outlaw Trail Locations or Double Time For Any Recovery off a Trail that is marked or would be considered a Difficulty of Most Difficult or Single Track Trails!
Fuel Fee’s May Apply With Travel Depending on Location and Fuel Used By Recovery Units.
Recovery Units Billed at $450 Per Unit when more than 1 unit is used for a recovery or tow out.
Call Out Cost Due At Call. Time Starts at call and ends upon our return to our facility in Gilbert, WV.
CC Holds from $1000-$2500 Required For Recovery.
Mountaintop Adventures reserves the right to refuse any recovery that it feels would endanger our equipment or personnel.